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Do you need to speak from a higher philosophical standpoint? I took the pics on 8/13/2020. Because you took the quiz and came up with Lion and its traits resonate with you that means at least part of your soul is a Lion. Lioness Tattoo Meaning The lioness will fight to the death to protect her cub. Another spiritual meaning of seeing a lioness in your dream is that your life is going to undergo some change. Symbols such as the Griffin, part Eagle and part Lion, figure in Celtic lore. The lioness symbolism is powerful, nurturing, and protective. Breaking Through the Misconceptions | The Esoteric Dream Book; Mastering the Magickal Symbolism of the Subconscious Mind). Lion Spirit Animal. They are creatures who are confident as well as fearless, and they symbolize courage and loyalty. So, they are also symbols of the divine sisterhood women supporting women. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. A dead lioness is one of these instances. These days I come across too many posts where there is no link between the headline and the body of the content. The lioness always has this sense of knowing about her. You are a powerful judge of character, which helps guide you away from people and experiences that do not serve you. From awakening to new perspectives, embracing positivity, overcoming obstacles, and cultivating compassion, these powerful birds can offer valuable lessons for our spiritual journeys. Spiritually, having a lioness as a spirit animal or seeing or even dreaming of a Lioness may be a lesson in owning your own power. Instead, you need to understand who is really worth your trust. I did have a small black dog. They are adept at dealing with less-than-cooperative groups. Historians suggest the playful Goddess of Dance and Protection appeared in early illustrations as having a Lioness head instead of a domesticated Cat. Generally, the crown is seen as a symbol of power, authority, and divine protection or guidance. So, they are also symbols of the divine sisterhood women supporting women. Since as early as I can recall, I have been attracted to and partial to bears large or small, any color, and anyplace. The lions symbolism is that of regal stature, and many would argue that its connection with pride and power echoes the traits of a king. A lioness holds strength and resilience. Thus, Lion was associated with the Divine link between rulers and the fate of the Empire as a whole. Yet they also accomplish so much because they share the responsibilities among each other, emphasizing communal survival rather than individual interest. Just because i am a guy does not mean im better then girls! You will be able to get the peace that you are looking for without any delay once you start believing in your internal power. What does it mean when Animals Come to You? Its troubles me. Lion often appears to a person who needs to reclaim their space and take back a leadership role in life. Lioness Spiritual Meaning 1: Lioness as a symbol of Matriarchy The Lioness is associated with female power and also with matriarchal societies. In fact, Lion is referenced numerous times in the Bible. Wow..I never knew that my animal spirit was a lion. You can restore this balance by planning things ahead of time. Lioness Meaning: Female Power Furthermore, the lionesses support each other on the hunt, which enables them to take down prey that is faster or stronger than they are. :/. Scroll to the bottom of the Spirit Animal Meanings page and read about the difference between a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal. Yet if you have been shy and reserved, the Lioness may be challenging you to express your creative gifts and give yourself permission to walk tall, conveying your confidence. Thus, the lioness is the quintessential symbol of female power. You may also know that Lioness is working with you because you repeatedly feel drawn to this animal. In many Native cultures, the silent, stalking predation of Mountain Lion is associated with dealing with silence and changes of consciousness in your own life. She is an amazon published author and was Featured on several shows like Discovery Channels A Haunting, Echoes from the Past (2007) 14 Degrees: A Paranormal Documentary, Tune In to Wellness Today with LisaMarie Tersigni, and Empowering Entrepreneurs with Melissa Carter as well as numerous radio interviews. Lion represents one of the guises of Lord Vishnu. What does a Lion symbolize in Chinese culture? In Egypt, for example, the Sphinx has Lions body, which was a sacred symbol of the Goddess who safeguarded the pharaohs in the afterlife. WebTo many people, the lion represents power and authority, but it also has many other meanings too. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Prepare for the most romantic, lucky and fun astrological aspect to occur this week. Hence, you need to be careful regarding these people. The Lion as Sphinx appears in the Chariot, a card of stagnation or stalemate between past and present. I write about my spiritual experiences to help all those who go through the same. Lion meaning in Japan is also related to protection. Additionally, it can also represent the strength of those who have been with you during the difficult times in your life and helped you to succeed. WebIts a purifying element that can symbolize your need to get rid of negative emotions, like stress or anxiety. The fire of a lioness means that you have a passion for life. Got my camera and went to look the third time and he was gone. You are maternal and often put the needs of others before your own. The lioness spiritual meaning symbolizes the courage it takes to overcome obstacles or challenges that seem larger than yourself. Letting even just a little your defensive nature out puts predators on notice, particularly when it comes to your ego and pride. In the Two of Cups, the Winged Lions head is depicted representing a powerful and even divinely fated connection or alliance between two people. For this reason, they become successful individuals. The loyal side of a person with a lioness symbol can manifest in how true they are in their relationships. If you come across a lioness in your dream, it means that you will need to focus on bringing balance to your life. There are descriptions of a powerful Lion who also has wings and this image is later featured in some of the earlier depictions of Tarot Cards such as The World and The Wheel of Fortune, as the winged Lion meaning is associated with Mark the Evangelist, and became synonymous with mysticism in various occult traditions. Wow! In this article, youll discover the lionesss spiritual and animal totem meaning and learn about their appearance in different cultures and mythology. You must always know what you are capable of and be confident. I just stumbled upon your website and I took the quiz. She is a reminder that you have within you the power to overcome any obstacle. The female Lion offers teachings on how to care for your pride and get your family members to cooperate with one another. They Because of this, you are unable to open yourself up. Lion People make for some of the best leaders. Hindu texts describe both Vishnu and Parvati as having attributes related to Lion. These stories hold meaningful morals that are still popular among children today. Therefore, do not give up easily in life. The lioness comes with power; thus, you are receiving the message that, like the lioness, you need to get some power that will help you control your situation. But what about the Lioness? In the Bible, the Lioness is associated with the angel, Ariel. Lion symbolism has been found on graves believed to belong to early Celtic people north of the Alps. Though there are presently no Lions in Sri Lanka, the Lion is a significant symbol here. In terms of the Bible, it means that a dreamer has been guided and guarded by God. But, guard yourself first against any snares of deception that others may put you through. Now sorry for rambling but one of the dogs i have now will protect me from anything even after he got into a fight and almost died he would still bark and growl if he thought someone tried to harm me. Everything You Need To Know, Dead Bird Omens: What Does a Dead Bird Symbolize? Lioness is flexible and swift, you may be called to act with grace and diplomacy while not neglecting your power when Lioness is around. Or it may mean a verbal assault coming from another. A symbol can be many things, a raindrop, a smell, a tree, or perhaps, some animal. Spiritually, bells symbolize faith and spiritual awakening, a reminder to be thankful and prayerful, and a way to honor our deceased loved ones. Lioness may appear to you when you are doing too much on your own or thinking only of your own ambition. The images allude to the Lion as an emblem of great strength and authority. Then, the Lion shows its affection for Androcles in front of the Emperor; because of this ancient story, Lion symbolism includes devotion and kindness toward those who show mercy and compassion. Lioness is associated with protecting the family and feminine power. But the lioness is also a great symbol of power for women too. What about dream messages about Lions-what do they mean? Bear this in mind when studying Native American concepts about Leopard. If you see a lioness watching you in your dream, it can represent the fact that you are going to encounter some challenges on the way. Lionesses fight for their cubs with fierce determination, just like how males would defend territory or mate rights; lioness tattoos can symbolize this same fierceness and determination. Or anytime i have a cut, my dog would lick it or try to help with it. For example, you may start thinking that you can do anything you want, thus strengthening the way you believe in yourself. I was on a mini vacation and, then, Hurricane Matthew decided to visit me in Florida. Often times, lions are associated with solar deities and represent our innermost desires for power, success and honor. So, what does a lioness symbolize spiritually? What does it symbolises ? What does a Lion represent to Eastern cultures? Youve probably heard that the Lion is the King of the Jungle and much myth and lore surround this animal. You need to eliminate these fears to move ahead in your life. Lion Symbolism & Spiritual Meanings Of Lions Lions symbolize strength, courage, power, royalty, protection, pride, authority, majesty and wisdom. You find joy in protecting those that are close to you with love and valor. This is a species of fish that, in amongst the madness and chaos of life at sea, simply lives in harmony with others. These are characteristic to matriarchal human groups and societies as well. If the lioness has entered your life, it is time for you to step into your power and claim your rightful place in the world. They are creatures who are confident as Commonly Most women defend themselves. We must always boost our confidence to go ahead in our lives. Thus, Lions symbolism still is prevalent and important to many far eastern cultures. Embrace the lioness within you and let her guide you to a life of strength, courage, and grace. As a committed person, you are also someone who deserves loyalty from your loved ones. Often, the concept of power is easily misconstrued to indicate aggression, dominance or forcefulness. For instance, you always know how to make the right decisions that will benefit others. That was 71 years and some change ago. I have been struggling, mightily, to find my voice in recent weeks, a voice which I have lost. Pretty spot on, I am a triple fire sign Leo meaning the stars were all aligned at my birth. If so, you are working on a spiritual path that is aligned with Lion energy. That I am very close to trying to protect me from the lion. Could I somehow have been ignoring them? A peaceful spirit that continuously releases energy will also aid the dreamer in achieving their objectives. Society doesnt always celebrate femininity, but that doesnt mean it cant be a source of empowerment for you. I would upload it if it was an option. It can be both solar and lunar. Open your intuition to the wild kingdom and set your true self free! Due to this, no one can harm their family in any way. Could a lion and a Dog be my spirit animal or power animal? It does resemble a lot to me, like protecting family and friends. A slave in Ancient Greece named Aesop wrote a collection of stores. This symbolic portrayal of Lion remains obscure, but we can note that it correlates to the much later depictions of a pair of Sphinx on the Chariot card representing ambivalence or being caught between past and future and being stuck in the present. You may also be reminded of the importance of choosing when to use your full power and when to hold back and use your diplomatic skills to solve problems. I took this online quiz and got a wolf, but then i did a meditation session and discovered that my guide is a lion. It sounds like Dog is your Spirit Animal and Lion is your Power Animal. This animal possesses the power to make negative as well as positive changes in the life of other people. Its most common traits are: majesty, strength, courage, justice, and military might. But i not a leo i am a Sagittarius. A lioness is a symbol of how you prepare for the coming day. In nature, the Lioness is a capable and powerful hunter. Please accept my apology. Dont fear to use Lions Power, waiting in the grasses of your aura. Moreover, you do not shy away from challenges. As a result, the architecture throughout China includes Lions at entryways, standing vigilant guard. Spiritually, the crown can represent many different things depending on the context it is presented in. So, they are also symbols of the divine sisterhood women supporting women. There are also tales of Lion ornamentation on the battle helmets used in warfare, perhaps to grant the power of the Lion to those in battle. OMGosh! A Leos reality is their kingdom in which they are the sole ruler. What does the lioness symbolize in a dream? In fact, the Lioness is considered the quintessential symbol of the power of the Divine Feminine. 1. The Eagle, Person, Bull and Lion. The fox has many children and is very proud of the quantity of her litter. Respect comes by earning it, and gratitude goes hand in hand with walking in the world as a spiritual being. WebLions symbolize courage, protection, leadership, passionate relationships, and strong self-esteem. The Goddess Sekhmet is part Lion and part woman, and therefore represents the power of Lion and Lions association with Solar Deities. The myth states that the Sphinx was created to punish the people in the city of Thebes. She knows when to take action and when to sit back and let things happen.This is because the lioness possesses great intuition. Later that evening while looking through my pics I noticed a clear shot of a lions head with a rainbow at the top of his head and a rainbow to the left of his mouth. If you see a lioness in your dream, the universe may be trying to send you a message. Take the lead 2. Conclusion. The lioness spirit animal is a symbol of feminine power and strength. You may also be guided to use your tenacity and protective instincts for the good of a group. This, in addition to being on the crux of a major life transition, has been a bit overwhelming, to say the least. It also symbolizes how one is fearless and confident in whatever endeavor one undertakes. Seeing a buzzard soaring in the sky can hold great spiritual significance, offering messages of renewal, release, and growth. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. On my sister-site, BuildingBeautifulSouls.com you can read all about Leo Sign Traits, Personality, & Characteristics. These four animals are associated with four directions and also quadruplicity in the Zodiac, so the signs of Taurus, Scorpio (associated with an Eagle as well as Scorpion), Leo (the Lion) and Aquarius (the Angel/Human/humanitarian). A-Z Animals goes in-depth into lion symbolism to discover why lion spirit animals aren't something that exists in the cultures around us. Lions are very social animals and live under a matriarchal system. Though considered King of the Beasts in many cultures, this was not the role Lion tends to play in African cultures. i always grew up with dogs and my family has them. Symbolisms behind the lioness are power and loyalty. The same Spirit Animal finds brave and outspoken people with leadership potential attractive. All Animals; Animal Lists namely Sekhmet. If you are going through a hard time in your life, you may see a dream where a lioness is attacking you. Having a lioness as your totem animal brings with it a strong personality, big enough to lead the pack of your family and to nurture enough to help heal others. You live between two worlds, one spiritual, and one material; this allows for deep insight into both personal matters as well outside issues such as an abundance of untapped power which can be harnessed by means relevant to achieving goals. Whats a lion spirit animal? They also do not eat first. There is a genuine threat here with malicious intent behind it. They never betray their friends whom they love, and family is also one of the most important things for them. The Lion/Sphinx represents that which pulls you forward and that which holds you back, two opposite aspects of yourself which may need to be brought into alignment. Thus, the qualities of intuition, creativity, attunement to others needs and connection to the earth and water elements are associated with Lioness. On March 7, 2023 at 7:42 a.m. EST, a full Worm Moon will take place in the mutable earth sign of Virgo, bringing consciousness to everyones desire to be productive, busy, and useful. In China, Lion is associated with strength, royalty and the power of the Han dynasty. So, they are also symbols of the divine sisterhood women supporting women. Yet it also means you dont need to work alone to fill this role. In some cultures, the lion is also You are also a person who is loyal to your family. Lastly, Greek mythology also tells the story of Leaena, who had an affair with a man named Aristogeiton. You are also a brave spirit that doesnt cower in the face of opposition. Walking with the Lion as a Power Animal means being ready for trouble, but not seeking it. March 2, 2023 by Editor. Some revered the Lioness as the provider for the pride, and the meaning of providence and hunting skill remains intact. These traits have always been with me. The lion always follows me around the house from the outside, just following me. Bells are special symbols. One day when I went to my grandmas, the dog was stuck in the shed window, my uncle couldnt get her out so he told me too. If Lioness is working with you, it means you have a role as a protector and provider in your community. But in your post, I loved the way you connected each topic with the other. She is the queen of all animals and she is a powerful entity. Required fields are marked *. The Lioness encourages you to embrace your femininity (its also an animal that is strongly associated with femininity) and use it as a source of strength rather than weakness. For this reason, you will not remain stuck in a problem for a long time. These are the four Fixed Signs, and therefore they symbolize pillars that are unmovable. 9 Meanings, 9 Vertigo Spiritual Meanings: Random Dizziness. Pay attention to the Lionesss behavior. Lions are cunning, noble, and courageous. Thank you for your help. Examples include Ishtar with a Lion-drawn chariot, and Inanna, who stands on the backs of two female Lions. 11 Deer Spiritual Meanings: What Does Seeing a Deer Symbolize? With the help of this, you will be able to guide yourself and others. Gaining authority through the means of gaining control over your emotions and tapping into your intuition. The Chariot is also a vehicle and as such, represents the journey or path you are on. From awakening to new perspectives, embracing positivity, overcoming obstacles, and cultivating compassion, these powerful birds can offer valuable lessons for our spiritual journeys. Your spirit animal is a black panther. Throughout the ancient world, the vibrant yellow mane of the Lion made it a natural solar symbol. When you see or encounter a Lioness, remember that though they are powerful enough to hunt and kill prey, they do not resort to dominant or violent behavior within the pride to establish order. You may be challenged by Lioness in such cases to overcome your fear and face your own inner power. Depictions of Lions are millennia-old throughout the world. I have had several dreams of lions and always a fondness for cats in general. I will read further as indicated to see what if any connectors there may be, but I wonder if perhaps you might care to elucidate your thoughts on what I have presented herein. Commonly reffered to as x26quot;the KING of the beasts,x26quot; it is a symbol of Kingly power and might, but as the lioness it is commonly related to the Great Mother Bells are special symbols. Thats thanks to their strong legs, which allow them to make huge leaps and move with a speed of 30 miles per hour. Individuals under Leos influence often have a King of the Jungle mentality, making them exceptional bosses, mentors, guides, and instructors. You feel a connection with animals, particularly big cats. The Ancient Egyptians saw Lion as both protector and bringer of chaos. Your email address will not be published. This is very interesting, and Ive found ninety-nine percent of it to be accurate for me. People in Tibet have similar beliefs, associating protection with the Snow Lion. Pueblo people known as the Keres, believed that Mountain Lion was the protector and one of the most significant Spirit Helpers. Having a lioness totem animal helps you understand other peoples needs and how to provide for them. So, Lion Energy cloaks your spirit in the lunar power of night. What does a lion symbolize spiritually? I am Tweeting this post as I simply find it useful and shareworthy! If you need to rely on your team or network more, Lioness may appear to you in a dream or meditation or through symbols to remind you of this message. WebWhat does a lioness mean spiritually? The Hopi revere Lion as a Sacred Guardian for the tribe to whom they look for ongoing advice during a ritual. The Lioness symbolizes the potency of feminine energy, which is not to say specifically gender but the energy associated with feminine polarity in metaphysics. The lioness spiritual meaning is a wonderful example of the power of feminine energy and how it can be seen as a source of strength, protection, and taking action. Gradually, your problems will start to disappear, and you will live a happy life. It can be a sign that there are certain obstacles in your path that are making your life difficult. advertisement. Also, this bears the meaning of the Jesus connection or the Ascended Masters connection.. Lions are a universal symbol of nobility, wisdom, power, and strength. As such, it is also seen as a symbol of divinity and sovereignty. Hey, after completing the entire article, I just loved the way the writer did justice to all the topics or points that had to be covered in this post. What does a lioness symbolize spiritually? If the Lion Spirit Animal makes you aware of its presence, What do Lions symbolize in other aspects of African culture? You must therefore try to concentrate on enhancing your confidence. In the Wheel of Fortune and World, the same four animals are used to represent the four corners and four directions. You are always ready to take on new challenges and face any obstacle head-on. animal that is strongly associated with femininity, the Lioness is associated with the angel, Ariel, https://www.lionworldtravel.com/news/who-knew-12-amazing-important-lion-facts, https://luciding.com/lion/#Dreaming_of_a_Calm_Lion, https://fablesofaesop.com/the-lioness.html, https://www.krugerpark.co.za/Kruger_National_Park_Wildlife-travel/kruger-park-wildlife-lions.html. I am amazed at the accuracy, as it relates to my current situation. This magnificent creature has been a focal point in many pieces of literature throughout history. You understand a person from the moment you meet them and recognize whether or not they have good or ill intentions. There are also Lionesses depicted as other forms of the Divine Feminine such as the Goddess Sekhmet. Are you being called to listen in silence? Its important to cultivate a sense of safety, work on shutting off your fight or flight mode, and make time to relax and destress. Seeing a lioness is a good spiritual sign as it provides you with inspiration and motivation. Lion, in Chinese culture, represents protection as well and is shown as a guardian of temples. When you have the lioness as your spirit animal, you are able to trust your gut instinct and always know what is best for you. With a Lion Animal Spirit at your side youre bound to attract the spotlight with pure magnetism. As much as Lion represents Ego and individuality, in a spiritual sense, Lion connotes the obligation of the individual to serve society in some larger way. If someones loyalty is in question, the Lioness may appear as a confirmation that their loyalty to you is as fierce as a lion. Never dreamt of lions before. (Also see Lion) lioness dream meaning Komu-ina statues, or statues of protective Lion, are stationed outside of Shinto temples. The lioness represents monarchy, power, authority, pride, wisdom, and protection in a spiritual sense. I am a Leo, but the hawk has been my totem for the last several years. Along with this sighting is the knowledge that it is time to tap into your Divine Feminine power and align with the energies of intuition, creativity and receptivity. Mythology tells us that Unicorn is the son of a dragon. How old is Squidward Tentacles in Spongebob Squarepants? Theyre capable of covering dozens of miles in a single day. Delve into Lion symbolism and meaning to find out how your Animal Spirit Guide can inspire, strengthen, and motivate you. Once I read this, I gained so much clarity into what I am facing with current challenges in my life. This is a species of fish that, in amongst the madness and chaos of life at sea, simply lives in harmony with others. If you have an overwhelming fear of Lions or Lioness symbolism, or if you often have nightmares about this animal, it could also be a sign that you have some inner work to do to integrate and heal. Please, feel free to leave your comments below! What does this mean? Lionesses, not male lions, do the majority of hunting for their prides. Lionesses hunt around 90 percent of the time, while the males protect their pride. Do male or female lions hunt? Even though females are the primary hunters, male lions can hunt, too. Lion, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can help! With it, you can regain your confidence in order to move forward in your life. Only acute Disrespect is not in a Lion Persons vocabulary, let alone the word quit.. Then I woke up from my sleep, I could still feel the teeth on my hand and feet. Middle Eastern stories and art show the Lion as representing great kings. Lions roar loud enough to declare their presence and claim their territory. Today I found a dead bird in my bulconny just below the window. Are you compelled to take the lead and help others find empowerment and success? Lots of folks have this confusion. My grandmas dog had puppies and was very protective, she would bite people or go after them (but it want any major injuries) and whenever i would go to her or her puppies she would lick me and never try to hurt me. Hence, you are able to assert yourself with great confidence. Well, today, I was at the zoo, and I was the only one at the viewing station and there were two lions. WebWatch on. Furthermore, the lionesses support each other on the hunt, which enables them to take down prey that is faster or stronger than they are. WebAlso, a Lioness symbolizes hope, victory, tenacity, and stamina. When crucial situations or circumstances arise, you will be able to decide what action needs to be taken. But since almost a year now I have this weird connection to ravens. Once you figure all of it out, you will be in a space where you can determine what kind of spiritual message your dream was trying to convey. 7 Spiritual Meanings of Slugs in the House: Is it Good Luck? Honor means appreciation. And these traits are exactly what lioness spiritual meaning and symbolism represent. Lion in traditional Tarot depictions is an interesting reminder of this animals special significance. Additionally, you will be able to attain the success in your life that you have been waiting for. I had a dream a few months back. Lion was thought to represent devotion and loyalty but also greed and misuse of power, courage and also predatory nature. I had a dream about a headless male lion that was alive but sad. Be prepared when you invoke Lion as a Power Animal. What does lioness tattoo symbolize? Lions are significant in Indian mythology and lore. Have i been missing the signs? The lioness is also a symbol of courage. If you have a vision where the lioness is threatening you It could be Thus even as Lion symbolism relates to Kings, Queens, Emperors and royalty, Lion also reminds us that power is not just about status and wealth but also about a sacred obligation to be a protector and steward of resources.